Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nerd Bombers....

Hello! How do you do? Thanks for reading Drew The View!
      Do remember the first time you played Nintendo?  I do.  I can recall the feeling I had watching the awesome graphics loading up.   I could imagine myself being totally fulfilled (at seven years old) playing this game called Super Mario Bros. endlessly.  If only I could have one of my own.  Becoming familiar with the concept of using buttons to run and jump was confusing. A testament to my excitment came as I  pulled the controller so hard the video game console fell on the floor, twice. I could have played for days, but in fear of me breaking his new toy, my buddy's mom ushered/dragged me into another room.
   I eventually got my wish.   My very own Nintendo on my ninth birthday.  I played it for a few years religiously (and still enjoying playing once in a blue moon) but never really made the transition to Super Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, etc....
   I feel like I out grew video games for a couple different reasons.  The first was frustration.  When I lost, I remember getting so mad I would sometimes throw or bite the controller or yelling at my friends a time or two for cheating, leaving their house controller in hand enraged.
   The reason why I haven't picked it back up is not because the games don't look cool, but it makes me feel so unproductive when I play them.  A couple years ago I was playing one of the basketball games with my buddy on his X-Box and he was just kicking my ass.  I knew he really liked to play and showing off his skillz, so I suffered through four quarters of this torture.  After the game was over I was like, "Man, sorry I it wasn't much of a game dude I never play Xbox or anything."  He tried to restore my confidence by reassuring me, "Its cool man.  You just need to keep practicing."

    One of my buddies loves to play World of WarCraft or WOW as it is commonily refered to. He, and much of his family play for hours on end while subjecting me to their "middle earth" talks at work.  I really didn't take much notice of it thinking it was harmless nerd shit until I witnessed my buddy handing over sixty U.S. dollars to his sister in law.
Drew:  "Hey man, what was that for? Did you lose a bet or something?"
Friend:  "No I just bought a shit ton of gold dude!"
Drew:  "Wow!  Will you and all of your family please come over to my house this weekend for a yard sale?  I've got tons of useless shit!"
    Thanks for reading! I love you! Drew The View

Saturday, December 11, 2010

You're The Inspiration.........

"Sea Kissed"  www.artbypaulsnyder.com
    Hello! How do you do? It's Drew The View! As an artist I'm always searching for inspiration.  I think when you first start your craft, whatever it is, you're just inspired by everything because it's all new.  The hard part is finding it after that. 
    I've been inspiration seeking lately and one place that seems to have me going back is the library. Even if you don't read many books, they have hundreds upon thousands of great films and videos to watch for free.  
    Music is a great source of inspiration for me. I always have some music I'm working on playing in my car to make sure the mix sounds cool on shitty speakers.  When I was a single man I would try to get these girls to rap to it while we were driving.  I'd always try and prompt them...."My name is Drew and I am so hard/ My car is small but my feet are large...."  I knew it was true love when she replied, "Your car is small but it drives real far/ let's take the dough you saved and spend it at the bar!"

www.artbypaulsnyder.com  <---Check Out My Homeboy Paul! He Is Super Talented And Wants To Paint/Draw For You!
    Every job I've had is pretty different from the last, but the attitude amongst my co-workers is very similar.  "Dude our boss is a jerk," "I'm so tired of this place," or "Man I hate Tuesdays." This guy I work with actually said that to me tonight. It was the first thing he says to me all day. "Man. I hate Tuesdays....."  Man. I hate your voice; get away from me with that depressing ass shit! 
    During one of the hottest days this summer I was reluctantly driving into work when I had to slow down at a construction zone. The smell of asphalt was over powering.  I looked up at these poor construction guys working in the heat and in these awful conditions, having the biggest laugh as they watched me in my little car driving by.  I always try and think about those guys when I'm having an off day at work in the air conditioning. 
    People are really the best inspiration for doing anything, I think.  Thank you for reading! I love you! -Drew The View

 "I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."  -Robert McCloskey

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Must See Tv....

    Hello! How do you do? Thanks for reading Drew The View!  

    Must See TV.  Lebron James makes his return to Cleveland tonight to face his former team.  Many questions come about.  Will his Majesty do his patented "powder toss" before tip-off?  How will he play?  Will fans try to trap Lebron in the arena while they set it on fire? Tune in at 7pm Central to see.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


    Who can tell me where I can go to hear Asians karaoke the American classics? I'm willing to pay a cover.

    I went into pro cuts a couple of weeks ago.  I walked up to the counter and the lady there goes, "How can I help you?" I said, "Yes. I'd like a haircut please.  Are there any other services you provide?"

    The other day I was at work and this dude goes,"Hey man you know that one old guy, with the gray hair?" I was like,"No. No I don't.

    What's wrong with porno these days? Too much wamb-bam-thank-you-ma'am if you'd ask me. 

     I was doing an interview about a year ago with Michael Brewer of the 1960's folk group duo Brewer and Shipley.  After the interview, one of my naive buddies had a record of theirs and had Michael sign it.  My friend then laughing asked,"Hey man were you guys high when you shot this album cover?"  Michael looked at him and goes,"I don't remember man."

You be the judge.
   Thanks for reading! I love you!-Drew The View

Friday, November 19, 2010

Girl Talk...

"Yes I promise baby. Sex In the City 2 was..... way better than the first one. ....Honestly."
Hello! How do you do?  Thanks for reading Drew The View!
     So my lady went to girls' night tonight, she comes back and asks me, "Who did I think she was in "Sex In The City"..... What? "What character would I be in Sex In The City, because out of our group, the girls said I would be SJP." Who? "Sarah Jessica Parker, you know, Carrie."
    Now ladies do I have to answer this with a response?  Did my lady talk to herself and have a conversation that goes....."The girls said I'm Carrie but I'll ask Drew, he'll tell me the truth."  Does she think there is little gay man trapped inside my body somewhere?  Anyway I said, "Yes." "Yes what?" "Yes you are definitely SJP baby."
    Fellas, don't make the mistake of watching these "exclusively" chick movies.  A romantic comedy is cool, but don't go see Sex In The City or Twilight type shows. No matter how much you think your being a good boyfriend, you'll have to participate in discussions concerns these "films."  Your welcome.  Thanks for reading! I love you!-Drew The View
"You're SJP baby. You'r SJP!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Idiot Savant......

    Hello! How do you do? Thanks for reading Drew The View!  I must have been among the last five percent to get on MySpace.  I fought it for so long, but finally gave in because of the possibilities of connecting with artists to shoot music videos.  I had little success in my attempt, connected with a few friends from high school, but felt so unproductive after a month, I gave up.
"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." -Bill Gates
 In order to gain some insight into the worlds' fascination, I'm currently reading The FaceBook Effect; an interesting look into the creation of the social network.  Things I've learned from reading this book.
1.  Mark Zuckerman is a genius.
2.  I've been uncool for sometime now, and becoming old and stupid. 
3.  No billionaire actually has a billion dollars.  But the shit they own is worth a whole lot.
    Thanks for reading! I love you!-Drew The View  P.S. Check out "The Social Network," when you get a chance, its real good.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Language Barriers

Hello! How do you do?  Thanks for reading Drew The View! 
    We were in Spencer Oklahoma shooting a music video called "I Wish A Mother Fucker Would." It was a blazing hot day in the the high school parking lot where several hundred people were gathered when one young sweaty brother makes his way from the crowd to talk with me and my friend Charlie.
    Now, you have to understand that Charlie (who was also working on the video) claims to be from Lawton Oklahoma, but he's really from the cast of Head Of The Class, and the nicest dude you'll ever meet.
He's in there somewhere...
    We had just finished shooting the scene where the rapper is driving around with hot babes; we sit down to drink our bottled waters from an ice chest marked "crew" during a break when this brother walks up.
    "Hey ya'll got some waters?"(In deep raspy voice)  Before I can think to say..., Charlie starts in,"No man. I've got mine right here. (lifts up his water to show appreciation for the consideration) Thanks!" The brother looked at Charlie, paused briefly, then walked away disappointed and confused.
    People that learn more than two languages are really pompous.  Thanks for reading! I love you! -Drew The View
There he is!

Monday, November 8, 2010

How 'Bout Them.....

"I can't put my finger on it because I don't have enough fingers." 
-Jerry Jones, on Cowboys 45-7 lost to Greenbay

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Pics...


 Look out for Brandon as Billy Beer, on the new kids television show, Smashed.

Our friend Misty made all these cool treats. Wow!

Not Patterns Necessary;  Me and the Mrs. Punkins
Thumbs Up For Tailgating!

 "Well, look at his poor, pathetic face. He's so sad he could depress Richard Simmons." Mike as Steve Urkel.

"Sorry I didn't know." "Keep your paws out of my cooler hippie!  The team's on a liquid diet and Demarco only drinks his gasoline cold.

Wizard of Awws! Cheer up Bobbie, 43-10 Sooners Win! Have fun in the Pac whatever Colorado!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oklahoma Football Monster!

    Hello! How do you do? It's Drew the View! One constant throughout my life has been The University of Oklahoma Sooners Football. I have pictures of me wearing jerseys as a newborn.  I remember as a kid being so excited because one of my friends was supposed to have OU quarterback Charles Thompson at his birthday party.  He never showed, but a few weeks later I saw Charles getting into a car on the cover of Sports Illustrated, wearing hand cuffs and an orange jump suit.
    My dad and I would sit around listening to the games on the radio on weekends (we weren't on television much in the 90's due to the sixteen NCAA recruiting violations).  The first game I ever attended we played Kansas State.  My favorite player growing up was Cale Gundy who played high school ball at Midwest City.   
   I played all the way until freshman in high school and had really good hands but ran like a broke robot.  One of the guys I played with in junior high and high school was recruited by OU. Cale came to our school to visit him.  The Sooners signed him but he still needed to make the grade on a standardized test. 
   The story I've heard is that on the day of the test, the recruit had some girl show up to take it for him. One of the teachers monitoring the test happened to be a football coach at another high school and told on them.  Ain't that some shit? He eventually joined the team. I was at the only game he scored a touchdown. 
   I have a great life. I love my family, enjoy going to work (most days) and I love creating, but when the Sooners line up on Saturday there's nothing more important.  Below is a brief history of The University of Oklahoma Football Monster minus the Gibbs and Stoops eras. 
    I love you! Thanks for reading!-Drew The View

Oklahoma Football Monster

    Dr. George Cross is credited with creating the OU football monster.  In 1944, Dr. Cross took over as the president of the University of Oklahoma.  He had an idea to provide a sort of relief for Oklahomans who were feeling the financial and emotional strain caused by the Dust Bowl.  "I was trying to counter this depression and give the people a source of pride in their state. And we did give them a since of pride.  But they eventually took too much pride in us, as a matter of fact."   
   Us started growing in the fall of 1945.  The war was ending and many fine young athletes would be returning home to attend school.  Dr. Cross aimed to hire a coach who had been involved with the military football teams: enter Bud Wilkinson. 
   In 1947, The Touchdown Club was formed for the "receiving, holding, and disbursing money for the support of athletics, especially football...." but truthfully it was setup by rich alumni and boosters to recruit players. 
   Oklahoma was one of the first major universities to recruit black athletes.  In 1954 they took all the players on the Muskogee High School football team to the Orange Bowl and gave all Muskogee athletes a scholarship to OU.
   "They were pretty wild years after World War II and through the 1950s.  During that period sportswriters called the stroll from Owen Field to the athletic dorm the Million-Dollar Walk because it was widely believed that wealthy OU boosters would line up to press handshakes padded with cash on the football players." (Barry Switzer: Bootlegger's Son) 
   Wilkinson coached the Sooners from 1947 to 1963, won three national championships, fourteen conference titles and had an impeccable record of 145–29–4.  After Wilkinson, losing wasn't tolerated. Coach Switzer experienced this first hand. "You need to understand that at the University of Oklahoma, an 8-4 record is considered a losing season.....That didn't make me or the program a failure in my eyes, but it wasn't good enough for the group of Oilys (Oil Tycoon boosters) we were embarrassing at the time."
   While the head coach at OU, Barry Switzer won 3 national championships, 8 bowl games, coached 54 All Americans, and had a record of 157-29-4.  After sixteen seasons as head coach, Barry chose to resign in the face recruiting violations and immense pressure from the university's board of regents.

The Football Monster Loves Stoops!

"Why is your old lady going through my shit?  Get your ass out of my van. Where are my sunglasses?"-Brian "The Boz" Bosworth Stone Cold

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Revolutionize.......

     Hello! How do you do? Thanks for reading Drew The View!  How many of you can say you were wed by an agnostic minister who plays death metal?  Well you can keep your hands up and your heads banging for my spiritual-counselors' band, I Novare.  Below are some pics I shot at their Hot Topic show last week.

"Hey dude, are you ok?"
"I can't concentrate! I'm surrounded by too much cool shit."

    Shop at Hot Topic in Crossroads Mall (Oklahoma City, OK), they are cool people and support local bands.  Thanks for reading! I love you! Drew The View
Also, if you dig a progressive death metal band check 'em out!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happiness is a warm.....

    Hello! How do you do?  Thanks for reading Drew The View!  At the poker table tonight I was sitting  next to nine subdued men who weren't speaking at all minus the, "How much did you bet?" or "Cocktails!"  The main reason people play poker in a casino is not to socialize.
    I was looking at there faces among the silence and tried to imagine them all laughing.  At one time or another most all people have had that wonderful experience of  laughing with someone uncontrollably.
   The first time I went to New York was in December of '02ish. I had been waiting outside our hotel in Manhattan for about an hour, smiling and saying hello to people as they walked by. Not one person acknowledged my presence.  What's wrong with those people, and why would anyone live there?  I don't know but next time I go, I'll try and picture them all laughing.

    Are you bored?  Do you need to go to the grocery store but just dread the experience?  Here's something fun for you to do! Step #1 Get off your ass! Because you know ya'll need some toilet paper.  Step #2 Smile, I mean really smile at ten people.  You can even say "Hello!" if you like.  Step #3 Enjoy their reactions and making 9.75 persons' day :) Your thought just now--> "it would be fun to film me doing this and send it in to drewtheview.blogspot.com so he could post it online for everyone to watch!" Thanks for Reading! I love you!-Drew The View
    "If you can go and finds things to devote your time to and live for, then everything else is easy."-Unknown

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Almost Time!

   My lady painted this and has some student loans to pay.  We'll deliver this picture and three others framed, for just $30,000. Call 940-BAG-FEET for yours today!  Also, here's a free invitation to our pumpkin carving party! Call today!

Monday, October 18, 2010

It's Prime Tyme For A Picnic !

   Hello!  How do you do?  In high school our house was about two miles away from Midwestern State University, once home of the Dallas Cowboys training camp.  I would go to their practice about once a week to watch and get autographs.  During one of these deathly hot summer days I was among several hundred fans gathered to get signatures when the one and only Deion "Prime Time" Sanders decided to stroll through.  Number twenty-one had just become a newly born-again Christian, a local preacher and was doing us all a favor by signing autographs that day. While making his way down the fence line where his charismatic fans were gathered,  he drove a customized golf cart bumping Christian rap.  Five lucky kids were chosen that day.  As I watched the last autograph being signed I realized I recognized the recipient.  His name was Picnic, short for Richard Escobedo.  I've  always been jealous of him for his super talents, and that damn autograph!  I'm lucky to know this guy.  Below is a link to his "Wolfboy Beat Sampler" he just completed fresh off touring with Erykah Badu.
    Me and my brother were walking to the car but stopped to get the back up kickers signature(who's name escapes me but was very courteous) when Hall of Fame receiver Michael Irvin pulls up in his golf cart.  There are about twenty kids gathered around along with a woman in her early twenties.  He had  a discreet discussion with the girl before declaring, "You can either stay here with these kids....Or get yo mother-fucking-ass in this golf cart with Michael Irvin!"  She chose the later....Duh!  Thanks for reading! I love you! -Drew The View
P.S. What is it about assholes and golf carts?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Animal Lover....

“The difference between the right word and the nearly right word is the difference between lightning and lightning bug.”-Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Hello! How do you do? I remember watching this talk show, it must have been at least ten years ago.  The guests on the program had phobias that seem very silly.  One lady was scared of a head of lettuce, another man was terrified of cotton.  The first segment of the show was basically an exercise in frightening the shit out of these poor people. The second segment was dedicated to an expert working with these folks trying to rid them of their fear.  They were told to think of the cotton, once they weren't upset with the thought of a t-shirt, then they'd have to hold a q-tip...and so on.  They say that fear is the inability to live in "The Now,"  and by thinking about the future and what could happen...when that clown decides to attack.  Man, this clown scared the shit out of me one time at McDonald's. If it wasn't my sister's birthday party I would have kicked its ass.

"Traditionally dogs are hunters and guardians, rather than pets, therefore a certain amount of healthy fear is reasonable, and dogs, especially unfamiliar ones, should be approached with caution." - Wikipedia

 I don't fear animals, but I do have a healthy respect for them. With that being said, I've been attacked by a cat and two by dogs this year. The first incident came last Christmas when we were in Las Vegas.  My mother-in-law's dog, Remington was playing a game of keep-away with me and the lady in between opening Christmas presents.  I had just opened my favorite gift (an Elvis Starbucks CD), started petting Remington when he snapped, barked once and bit me. I felt bad about my mother-in-law keeping the dog in the garage the rest of our stay...but not enough to object.  Second attack.... We accept our friends invitation to dog sit their shih tzu while they're away visiting family.  I met and played with the dog in question two days before with no problems, and had no qualms about going over to pick her up on my own.  I walk into our friends' house, she barks at me and runs underneath the bed snarling.  I attempt to coax her out with bologna and cheese for about fourty-five minutes.  Forty Five Minutes! Have you ever heard of a dog not giving in for bologna and cheese? Me Neither.  I call in my wife for reinforcement.  When my wife arrives to save the day, she informs me, "the dog doesn't like men, especially tall ones."   The next day I take the dog outside, right before heading to work not thinking about how long it might take, she barks profusely, runs to the corner of the yard and puts me to the decision.  Pick her up, or wait it out in the one hundred and six degree heat.  I choose option one, thinking that my hands might be quicker then her teeth (the heat will make you do some dumb shit). I'm proved completely wrong as I look down at my bloody finger. The dog takes off running under the fence and out of our yard. I'm sitting down on the porch with my toilet-paper-bandaged-finger, smoking a cigarette calling my wife...
....Phonebook, Wife, Call, Dialing, Connecting......
Drew:  "Hey baby how are you doin'?"
Wife:   "Good. Just working on some stuff, about to eat a snack. What's up?"
Drew:  "You know our friends' dog?"
Wife:    " Uh..Yeah.....?"
Drew:   "She bit me."
Wife:    "Are you serious?!"
Drew:   "Yep. On the finger."
Wife:    "Where's the dog?"
Drew:   "(Silence)...Did you not hear the first part of this conversation? Let me start it over. Hey baby how you doin'? You know our friends' fing dog?!.....

I won't tell the story about the cat attack, but I will say that it happened during adoption of the newest member of our family.....Alice Hooper (Pictured below)

Like my dad always said, "A little pussy never hurt anybody." Ha Ha! Thanks for Reading! I love you! -Drew The View

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chicken Fried Heisman?....

Hello! How do you do?  Good morning to all of you!  If you like chicken fried steak and haven't ever been to Kendall's (Noble, OK) then you are doing yourself an injustice.  Also, I promise they have the best cinnamon rolls that you will ever have in your life or....I'll eat it for you.  Below is an episode of their reality show written by my buddy Steve Judd, with a small cameo but yours truly and Steve Owens! Thanks for reading and watching! I love you!-Drew The View...oh yeah, my line is,"Go get that rope."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hero Sandwich....

he·ro   /ˈhɪəroʊ/ Show Spelled[heer-oh]
–noun, plural -roes; for 5 also -ros.
1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child.
3. the principal male character in a story, play, film, etc.
4. Classical Mythology .
a. a being of godlike prowess and beneficence who often came to be honored as a divinity.
b. (in the Homeric period) a warrior-chieftain of special strength, courage, or ability.
c. (in later antiquity) an immortal being; demigod.
5. hero sandwich.
6. the bread or roll used in making a hero sandwich.

"I'm not a role model... Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids". -Sir Charles Barkley

Hello! How do you do?  This is Drew The View! Me and the lady went to watch "Scott Pilgrim Versus The World" last night.  Michael Cera portrays Scott Pilgrim, an ackward twenty-some(imagine that..) living in a video game world who must defeat seven evil X's in order to win the girl of his dreams. The show is in the spirit of Juno, has a real cool soundtrack and is very fun to watch.  I think I was the oldest person in the theater. Yikes!

I really do feel for the real-life non-fictional hero these days.   Their challenges aren't private, often riddled with scandal, and truimphs are easily forgotton.  In 1986, Roger "The Rocket" Clemens dominated the baseball diamond becoming the first pitcher to strike out twenty batters in a nine inning game.  After being hearld as the greatest pitcher of his era, his career ended in 2007 with the Yankees. After retiring,Clemens  lied in his testomony to the grand jury in regards to his use of steroids during his playing days. He was recently summoned for perjury. One of my friends is selling T-shirts to Clemens' inmates that read,"I Played Catch With The Rocket" and "I Blasted Off In The Rocket." I don't get it. Tiger has a great  chance to bounce back from all the adversity he faces.  Here's something I didn't know until recently.... Did you know Tiger Woods' dad would cheat on his wife while he and Tiger were away on "golf trips?" Me Neither! I wonder where he gets it from? Also, did you know that Willie Nelson smoked a joint on top of the white house with one of Jimmy Carters sons?  I mean really, he was a guest in the Lincoln Bedroom did you not expect him to find somewhere to fire one up ? 

"Did you ever know that you were my hero? And I can fly higher than an eagle, because you are the wind beneath my wings."- Jeff Silbar

When I was kid, before television/radio was champ, my folks were my heroes. Robert Matthew Van Winkle(aka Vanilla Ice) was simply too cold for my parents to hold that title for long. "His Airness" Mr. Michael Jeffery Jordan swooped it up, then Shawn Carter became God. Tiger-Tiger Woods ya'll! I think the hero application that I filled out, for the most part, was done completely backwards.  In order for a hero to not disappoint, I think we should be concerned about character first and then... performance,accolades,ect.... What good movie has Lindsey Lohan been in lately?  None. Kathy Griffin is a likeable lady, not a great comedian.  But I'll sit there with my wife and listen to her make fun of Lindsey and Paris Hilton for an hour. Why do I care? Are them bitches my heroes now? As the public, I think we find there stories the most intriguing of all. Never have we gravitated toward boring figures, we love the most exciting.   Thanks for reading! I love you! -Drew The View

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



; /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən/ [in-truh-duhk-shuhn]
1. the act of introducing or the state of being introduced.
2. a formal personal presentation of one person to another or others.
3.a preliminary part, as of a book, musical composition, or the like, leading up to the main part.
4.an elementary treatise: an introduction to botany.
5.an act or instance of inserting.
6.something introduced.

Hello! My name is Drew The View. How do you do? Since this is my first posting, I feel like I should talk a little about introductions. I'm currently reading, "Willie Nelson, An Epic Life." One of the many lessons I’ve learned from Willie so far is the effectiveness of looking people in the eyes. He talks about how he used to sell encyclopedias door-to-door and how much that helped in winning people over. I find this true in my experience as well, but it can be uncomfortable with cross-eyes and aggressive gay men. You know you try to treat everyone fairly, and the next thing you know a dude sends you a text message one night, asking for, "a picture of you with your shirt off so that we can compare body types in case we ever work out together." What?!! Can't knock the creativity though! Cross-Eyed people are intimidating. What's going on over there to the left? He knows of imminent danger way before I, and could be quicker to react. Should I stay focused on the eye that is looking at me, look down, or split the difference? Do you hate donkeys?


"Allow me to reintroduce myself...My name is Hov! Not G-O-D but similar to those letters. No one can do it better!"

I work in the entertainment industry and constantly find myself talking to and meeting new people. One challenge of this chosen profession for me, is people's inability to understand what the hell I'm saying. Perhaps it's my accent or my habit of mumbling. "Where are you from? I know let me guess Louisiana... New York.....No the Czech Republic! “I’m from Oklahoma dude.” “What's that dealer?" "Nothing you ole' mutha ...." I've found it to be very important, to create a greeting or introduction when meeting someone new:
"My name's Calvin. What's yours?" "Drew, how are you doing?"
Won't simply do, too many times people mistaken my reply or simply forget. I've got a buddy that still calls me Drew "The Jew". My most effective introduction goes something like "Drew. Like I drew a picture!" or something that rhymes good, "How do you do? My name's Drew, the blinds are one and two, I'll be here for a few! Good luck to all of you!"

It's kind of funny or rather odd to me how we have set introductions for certain people. When I see my Auntee I know it would be weird if I didn't hug her. If my buddy, Corey, comes over we do the slap-shake-hug. When I see a customer of mine we do the formal hand shake. I always kiss my wife. What about greeting everybody the same? What would that look like, and how long would it take?....."Hey its real nice to see you_____!" (Handshake-Slap-Shake-Hug-Kiss). For some reason dudes in particular have a hard time deciding whether they should give me handshake or a slap-shake-snap. Maybe its because of my funny accent. Thanks for reading! I love you! -drewtheview

P.S. Here's a great introduction for a fat cross-eyed guy.
