Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nerd Bombers....

Hello! How do you do? Thanks for reading Drew The View!
      Do remember the first time you played Nintendo?  I do.  I can recall the feeling I had watching the awesome graphics loading up.   I could imagine myself being totally fulfilled (at seven years old) playing this game called Super Mario Bros. endlessly.  If only I could have one of my own.  Becoming familiar with the concept of using buttons to run and jump was confusing. A testament to my excitment came as I  pulled the controller so hard the video game console fell on the floor, twice. I could have played for days, but in fear of me breaking his new toy, my buddy's mom ushered/dragged me into another room.
   I eventually got my wish.   My very own Nintendo on my ninth birthday.  I played it for a few years religiously (and still enjoying playing once in a blue moon) but never really made the transition to Super Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, etc....
   I feel like I out grew video games for a couple different reasons.  The first was frustration.  When I lost, I remember getting so mad I would sometimes throw or bite the controller or yelling at my friends a time or two for cheating, leaving their house controller in hand enraged.
   The reason why I haven't picked it back up is not because the games don't look cool, but it makes me feel so unproductive when I play them.  A couple years ago I was playing one of the basketball games with my buddy on his X-Box and he was just kicking my ass.  I knew he really liked to play and showing off his skillz, so I suffered through four quarters of this torture.  After the game was over I was like, "Man, sorry I it wasn't much of a game dude I never play Xbox or anything."  He tried to restore my confidence by reassuring me, "Its cool man.  You just need to keep practicing."

    One of my buddies loves to play World of WarCraft or WOW as it is commonily refered to. He, and much of his family play for hours on end while subjecting me to their "middle earth" talks at work.  I really didn't take much notice of it thinking it was harmless nerd shit until I witnessed my buddy handing over sixty U.S. dollars to his sister in law.
Drew:  "Hey man, what was that for? Did you lose a bet or something?"
Friend:  "No I just bought a shit ton of gold dude!"
Drew:  "Wow!  Will you and all of your family please come over to my house this weekend for a yard sale?  I've got tons of useless shit!"
    Thanks for reading! I love you! Drew The View

Saturday, December 11, 2010

You're The Inspiration.........

"Sea Kissed"  www.artbypaulsnyder.com
    Hello! How do you do? It's Drew The View! As an artist I'm always searching for inspiration.  I think when you first start your craft, whatever it is, you're just inspired by everything because it's all new.  The hard part is finding it after that. 
    I've been inspiration seeking lately and one place that seems to have me going back is the library. Even if you don't read many books, they have hundreds upon thousands of great films and videos to watch for free.  
    Music is a great source of inspiration for me. I always have some music I'm working on playing in my car to make sure the mix sounds cool on shitty speakers.  When I was a single man I would try to get these girls to rap to it while we were driving.  I'd always try and prompt them...."My name is Drew and I am so hard/ My car is small but my feet are large...."  I knew it was true love when she replied, "Your car is small but it drives real far/ let's take the dough you saved and spend it at the bar!"

www.artbypaulsnyder.com  <---Check Out My Homeboy Paul! He Is Super Talented And Wants To Paint/Draw For You!
    Every job I've had is pretty different from the last, but the attitude amongst my co-workers is very similar.  "Dude our boss is a jerk," "I'm so tired of this place," or "Man I hate Tuesdays." This guy I work with actually said that to me tonight. It was the first thing he says to me all day. "Man. I hate Tuesdays....."  Man. I hate your voice; get away from me with that depressing ass shit! 
    During one of the hottest days this summer I was reluctantly driving into work when I had to slow down at a construction zone. The smell of asphalt was over powering.  I looked up at these poor construction guys working in the heat and in these awful conditions, having the biggest laugh as they watched me in my little car driving by.  I always try and think about those guys when I'm having an off day at work in the air conditioning. 
    People are really the best inspiration for doing anything, I think.  Thank you for reading! I love you! -Drew The View

 "I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."  -Robert McCloskey

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Must See Tv....

    Hello! How do you do? Thanks for reading Drew The View!  

    Must See TV.  Lebron James makes his return to Cleveland tonight to face his former team.  Many questions come about.  Will his Majesty do his patented "powder toss" before tip-off?  How will he play?  Will fans try to trap Lebron in the arena while they set it on fire? Tune in at 7pm Central to see.