Monday, November 15, 2010

Idiot Savant......

    Hello! How do you do? Thanks for reading Drew The View!  I must have been among the last five percent to get on MySpace.  I fought it for so long, but finally gave in because of the possibilities of connecting with artists to shoot music videos.  I had little success in my attempt, connected with a few friends from high school, but felt so unproductive after a month, I gave up.
"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." -Bill Gates
 In order to gain some insight into the worlds' fascination, I'm currently reading The FaceBook Effect; an interesting look into the creation of the social network.  Things I've learned from reading this book.
1.  Mark Zuckerman is a genius.
2.  I've been uncool for sometime now, and becoming old and stupid. 
3.  No billionaire actually has a billion dollars.  But the shit they own is worth a whole lot.
    Thanks for reading! I love you!-Drew The View  P.S. Check out "The Social Network," when you get a chance, its real good.

1 comment:

  1. UM..... I think this post means you have to sing for a little word starting with an 's', ending in a 'd' and with a 'tupi' in the middle. I expect to hear your beautiful voice as I walk through the door this eve. :)

