; /ˌɪn
1. the act of introducing or the state of being introduced.
2. a formal personal presentation of one person to another or others.
3.a preliminary part, as of a book, musical composition, or the like, leading up to the main part. elementary treatise: an introduction to botany. act or instance of inserting.
6.something introduced.

Hello! My name is Drew The View. How do you do? Since this is my first posting, I feel like I should talk a little about introductions. I'm currently reading, "Willie Nelson, An Epic Life." One of the many lessons I’ve learned from Willie so far is the effectiveness of looking people in the eyes. He talks about how he used to sell encyclopedias door-to-door and how much that helped in winning people over. I find this true in my experience as well, but it can be uncomfortable with cross-eyes and aggressive gay men. You know you try to treat everyone fairly, and the next thing you know a dude sends you a text message one night, asking for, "a picture of you with your shirt off so that we can compare body types in case we ever work out together." What?!! Can't knock the creativity though! Cross-Eyed people are intimidating. What's going on over there to the left? He knows of imminent danger way before I, and could be quicker to react. Should I stay focused on the eye that is looking at me, look down, or split the difference? Do you hate donkeys?
"Allow me to reintroduce myself...My name is Hov! Not G-O-D but similar to those letters. No one can do it better!"
I work in the entertainment industry and constantly find myself talking to and meeting new people. One challenge of this chosen profession for me, is people's inability to understand what the hell I'm saying. Perhaps it's my accent or my habit of mumbling. "Where are you from? I know let me guess Louisiana... New York.....No the Czech Republic! “I’m from Oklahoma dude.” “What's that dealer?" "Nothing you ole' mutha ...." I've found it to be very important, to create a greeting or introduction when meeting someone new:
"My name's Calvin. What's yours?" "Drew, how are you doing?"
Won't simply do, too many times people mistaken my reply or simply forget. I've got a buddy that still calls me Drew "The Jew". My most effective introduction goes something like "Drew. Like I drew a picture!" or something that rhymes good, "How do you do? My name's Drew, the blinds are one and two, I'll be here for a few! Good luck to all of you!"
It's kind of funny or rather odd to me how we have set introductions for certain people. When I see my Auntee I know it would be weird if I didn't hug her. If my buddy, Corey, comes over we do the slap-shake-hug. When I see a customer of mine we do the formal hand shake. I always kiss my wife. What about greeting everybody the same? What would that look like, and how long would it take?....."Hey its real nice to see you_____!" (Handshake-Slap-Shake-Hug-Kiss). For some reason dudes in particular have a hard time deciding whether they should give me handshake or a slap-shake-snap. Maybe its because of my funny accent. Thanks for reading! I love you! -drewtheview
P.S. Here's a great introduction for a fat cross-eyed guy.
I'm absolutely loving what you're putting down. Can't wait to read more. it's Ponder, like deep thought.
ReplyDeletehahhahaha, "Ponder, like deep thought!" hhahaahaha. Well, Drew the View. Welcome to the blog world!
Man thanks Ponderosa man! I appreciate it! I read your like five entries in your blog tonight. The lady told me you had one but I never knew how to get to it, I just saw the one video with you snorting the aspirin! Haha! I really think you have a great little film in the works if you'd take some excerpts from your blog. See you soon dude! What up Blaines?!! I hope you guys are doing well! Ashley said they had a blast with ya'll!